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发布时间:2024-10-06 12:35:01  点击量:576

本文摘要:NASA on Thursday announced the discovery of Kepler-452b, the most Earth-like planet ever found. Located 1,400 light-years from our planet, NASA called it Earth 2.0, because its the first planet discovered in the habitable zone of a G star similar to our sun。

NASA on Thursday announced the discovery of Kepler-452b, the most Earth-like planet ever found. Located 1,400 light-years from our planet, NASA called it Earth 2.0, because its the first planet discovered in the habitable zone of a G star similar to our sun。周四,美国国家航空航天局(以下全称为NASA)宣告找到开普勒-452b,是迄今为止与地球尤为相似的行星。该行星距离地球1400光年,NASA将其命名为“地球2.0”,因为它是第一颗人类在宜居带上里与太阳相近的恒星附近找到的行星。We can think of Kepler-452b as an older, bigger cousin to Earth, providing an opportunity to understand and reflect upon Earths evolving environment, said Jon Jenkins, the Kepler data analysis lead at NASAs Ames Research Center。

“我们可以不妨将开普勒-452b视作地球年纪较小,体积也较小的“老表”。从它身上我们可以理解并反省地球所演进的环境,”NASA艾姆斯研究中心开普勒数据分析的领队琼·詹金斯如是说。The planet is 5 percent farther away from its star than Earth is to the sun, making for a slightly longer year of 385 days, but gets similar light because its sun is 20 percent brighter than our own。该行星与其恒星之间的距离要比地球与太阳的距离远上百分之五,因此它一年(公转周期比地球稍长)为385天,但光线与地球相差无几。

因为它的恒星亮度要比太阳低百分之二十。The sunshine from this star would feel very similar to the sunshine from our star, Jenkins told reporters。詹金斯告诉他记者:“开普勒-452b上的阳光跟我们地球上的阳光感觉是差不多的。

”NASA believes the planet has a mass about five times more massive than Earths, with a rocky surface below a thicker atmosphere than our own. Gravity would be about twice as strong on Kepler-452b as it is on Earth, NASA said。NASA指出,该行星的质量约要比地球的质量大5倍,其岩石表面海面的大气层要比地球的大气层薄许多。而开普勒-452b的引力是地球引力的2倍。The planet is located in the Kepler-452 system in the constellation Cygnus. Its sun has the same surface temperature as our own, but has a diameter that is 10 percent larger。

该行星坐落于开普勒-452星系里的天鹅座。它的恒星表面温度与地球一样,但直径要比地球大上百分之十。While NASA scientists have no idea if Kepler-452bs atmosphere is conducive to life, they do know that there has been plenty of time for organisms to develop。

虽然NASA的科学家们无法确认开普勒-452b的大气环境否不利于生命的构成,但他们告诉在该星球上有充足的时间来构成微生物有机体。Its awe-inspiring to consider this planet spent 6 billion years in the habitable zone of its star, which is longer the age of the Earth, Jenkins said. That is considerable time and opportunity for life to arise somewhere on its surface or oceans if all the necessary conditions for life exist on this planet.“这颗行星在其恒星的宜居带上里不存在了60亿年,这哈密顿地球的年龄大多了,看看都实在令人敬畏,”詹金斯说,“如果该行星上不具备适合生命不存在的所有必备条件,这时间不足以让其表面构成生命了。



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